Over the last three days, we took part in the "2nd Materials for Energy Transition Summer School", co-organised by Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte (OERN). We had the opportunity to listen and discuss with some of the most influential Portuguese people in these areas about the insights into new materials for energy storage, sensoring, photovoltaic, renewable gases, power electronics, supercapacitors and batteries.
Through our Innovation Team Leader, Jorge Pinto, we had the opportunity to share some perspectives on the importance of power electronics in this path and the impact of Vasco da Gama CoLAB - Energy Storage for the next steps in the energy storage field.
We really endeavour to be present at these events to be at the forefront, keeping up with the novel research subjects in the academia, and also the relevant developments from the interface institutes and ambitions of industry.