Vasco da Gama CoLAB is taking part in the "Agenda Mobilizadora" NGS - New Generation Storage. Today, a networking session was organised between all the partners to align the consortium. Our Innovation team leader, Jorge Pinto, had the opportunity to moderate a panel discussion: WP4 "Integration and Application", with the participation of Mauro Costa (dst group), Paulo Cohen Lemos (Enforce - Engenharia da Energia), José Malaquias (Cleanwatts) and Jose Carlos Amador (Voltalia), where it was possible to discuss the capabilities that this project offers to respond to the needs created by the energy transition, in stationary applications such as renewable energy power plant and energy communities.
This is one of the Mobilising Agendas co-funded by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and the European Union (Recuperar Portugal). The NGS - New Generation Storage Innovation Pact encompasses the entire battery value chain, from mining to battery recycling. It aims to add value to each stage of the process and to create a new technological ecosystem in the field of batteries that will make the national industry stand out in the global market.
Vasco da Gama CoLAB participates in WP3 "Battery Assembly", WP4 "Integration and Application" and WP6 "Training and Advanced Courses", in various cooperative sub-projects that leverage the creation of several innovative solutions that include energy storage, in particular lithium-ion batteries.